corpos de agua

corpos de água releases tomorrow. I've been mildly annoying about it all week, and with the release finally on our metaphorical doorstep, it's really been a treat to see this album develop from the demos Lua originally showed me, and the EP she released last year (the movies aren't enough). Having known Lua for a few years now, and knowing her passion for music, it feels like the most realized work she's made yet, and it's the culmination of years of work for her.

I've dont think i've been more anxious for a record to release since probably Downfall of the Neon Youth. I'm not gonna lie, it feels terrible -- but it's also a good thing, because it means that I genuinely believe in the work that we're putting out there, and that's why this label was started in the first place.

It feels so important to me because it's the first shoegaze album I've ever heard that is Latin. It reminds me so much of the music I grew up with, and the music I love now from across Central and South America.

I grew up with Spanish music always playing my backyard (My Dad loves Los Enanitos Verdes), and I was always taught to respect the music from other cultures. Those lessons he instilled in me are why Longinus operates the way it does. 

corpos de água feels like the best parts of her previous works fleshed out into a visceral tour de force. The increasingly Brazilian direction of her music has reached a new high, and I think has culminated into her best album to date. It reminds me of all of the reasons why I fell in love with Lua's music to begin with. Albums like this are the reason I wanted to start a record label.

The best parts of wierd, hypnagogia and maladaptive daydreaming have been condensed into a greater work of art that's somehow even more holistically representative of Lua than her previous albums were. The attention to detail, atmosphere and sense of movement within the tracks and between the tracklist makes the listen experience feel cohesive and cinematic. The different approaches to sound are incredibly engaging, and she effortlessly weaves together moments of beauty and aggression with moments of dynamism and subtlety.

I firmly believe corpos de água is going to be the most important work of Latin shoegazing since Dynamo. Maybe that's my hubris showing, but sometimes that's a good thing, so you don't betray your ideals or your vision. 

I hope you guys love this as much as I do. That's enough babbling for now. 

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1 comment

hell yeah the album is FUCKING AWESOME


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